Del Mono
Fresh Brands

Del Mono Fresh brands are carefully selected and grown with care to meet our high standards for quality and freshness. Specializing in nopales and vine-ripe tomatoes. Del Mono Fresh is proud to be a leading and an original distributor of nopales in Florida.

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Nopales "El Tillin"

Nopales "El Tillin"

Available Products

The Original Nopales "El Tillin" brand offers the highest quality nopales that are carefully selected and de-thorned for easy consumption.

Nopales "El Tillin" is available in two forms:
-Diced & Bagged 1 lb: cactus leaf peeled, diced & bagged

-Peeled Whole 1 lb: cactus leaf peeled whole

Nopales Info

Nopales Info

Cactus leaf, also known as nopales, has been consumed for centuries and is a staple food in many regions, particularly in Mexico and Central America. Nopales are harvested from the prickly pear cactus, and the thorns and outer layer are removed before being consumed.

In addition to being a tasty and versatile ingredient in many dishes, nopales offer a range of health benefits. They are rich in fiber, which aids in digestion and can help promote regularity. Nopales are also a good source of antioxidants, which can help protect the body from harmful free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Furthermore, nopales have been shown to have cholesterol-lowering properties, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, calcium, and magnesium. Vitamin C is essential for immune function and can help the body absorb iron, while vitamin K plays a role in bone health and blood clotting.



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